Why You Are Not Progressing

Nelson Muleshe
7 min readJul 22, 2020
Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash

Let us think together; an infant is born with almost no ability, albeit breathing. Slowly by design and help of the mother, it learns to feed on breast milk. It grows and develops with time to the point of making simple basic motions. Through continuous feeding and learning, growth and development become more visible and significant. The process continues to the end where the infant grows into a much-developed being that is no more dependent on others except for some selected few aspects.

The scenario above describes progress. Progress is a function of growth and development. There is a starting point where one has an almost insignificant ability. They have to depend on others for life. As the clock ticks, something is happening, not very noticeable. That is growth and development. It is slow but assured. The more the clock ticks, the less dependent the creature becomes. It is a natural phenomenon. The absence of progress is unnatural; it implies something is not right. Naturally, all aspects of our lives should depict progress — our social lives, our education, our careers, our spiritual lives, etc. they all should show progress.

However, there is a sad reality that sometimes we do not experience progress. For growth and development to happen, certain things have to occur. The creature must feed. The creature must learn. The creature must adapt. All these things only…

